Electronic configurations of elements

Here you can get acquainted with detailed information on the electronic configuration of the atom of any element from the periodic table. This information includes electronic formulas (in ascending order of orbital energies and in the order of levels), graphical diagrams of the distribution of electrons by energy levels, as well as tables of quantum numbers (energy, angular momentum, magnetic moment, spin) of valence electrons.

List of all chemical elements

[1] H (Hydrogen)

[2] He (Helium)

[3] Li (Lithium)

[4] Be (Beryllium)

[5] B (Boron)

[6] C (Carbon)

[7] N (Nitrogen)

[8] O (Oxygen)

[9] F (Fluorine)

[10] Ne (Neon)

[11] Na (Sodium)

[12] Mg (Magnesium)

[13] Al (Aluminum)

[14] Si (Silicon)

[15] P (Phosphorus)

[16] S (Sulfur)

[17] Cl (Chlorine)

[18] Ar (Argon)

[19] K (Potassium)

[20] Ca (Calcium)

[21] Sc (Scandium)

[22] Ti (Titanium)

[23] V (Vanadium)

[24] Cr (Chromium)

[25] Mn (Manganese)

[26] Fe (Iron)

[27] Co (Cobalt)

[28] Ni (Nickel)

[29] Cu (Copper)

[30] Zn (Zinc)

[31] Ga (Gallium)

[32] Ge (Germanium)

[33] As (Arsenic)

[34] Se (Selenium)

[35] Br (Bromine)

[36] Kr (Krypton)

[37] Rb (Rubidium)

[38] Sr (Strontium)

[39] Y (Yttrium)

[40] Zr (Zirconium)

[41] Nb (Niobium)

[42] Mo (Molybdenum)

[43] Tc (Technetium)

[44] Ru (Ruthenium)

[45] Rh (Rhodium)

[46] Pd (Palladium)

[47] Ag (Silver)

[48] Cd (Cadmium)

[49] In (Indium)

[50] Sn (Tin)

[51] Sb (Antimony)

[52] Te (Tellurium)

[53] I (Iodine)

[54] Xe (Xenon)

[55] Cs (Cesium)

[56] Ba (Barium)

[57] La (Lanthanum)

[58] Ce (Cerium)

[59] Pr (Praseodymium)

[60] Nd (Neodymium)

[61] Pm (Promethium)

[62] Sm (Samarium)

[63] Eu (Europium)

[64] Gd (Gadolinium)

[65] Tb (Terbium)

[66] Dy (Dysprosium)

[67] Ho (Holmium)

[68] Er (Erbium)

[69] Tm (Thulium)

[70] Yb (Ytterbium)

[71] Lu (Lutetium)

[72] Hf (Hafnium)

[73] Ta (Tantalum)

[74] W (Tungsten)

[75] Re (Rhenium)

[76] Os (Osmium)

[77] Ir (Iridium)

[78] Pt (Platinum)

[79] Au (Gold)

[80] Hg (Mercury)

[81] Tl (Thallium)

[82] Pb (Lead)

[83] Bi (Bismuth)

[84] Po (Polonium)

[85] At (Astatine)

[86] Rn (Radon)

[87] Fr (Francium)

[88] Ra (Radium)

[89] Ac (Actinium)

[90] Th (Thorium)

[91] Pa (Protactinium)

[92] U (Uranium)

[93] Np (Neptunium)

[94] Pu (Plutonium)

[95] Am (Americium)

[96] Cm (Curium)

[97] Bk (Berkelium)

[98] Cf (Californium)

[99] Es (Einsteinium)

[100] Fm (Fermium)

[101] Md (Mendelevium)

[102] No (Nobelium)

[103] Lr (Lawrencium)

[104] Rf (Rutherfordium)

[105] Db (Dubnium)

[106] Sg (Seaborgium)

[107] Bh (Bohrium)

[108] Hs (Hassium)

[109] Mt (Meitnerium)

[110] Ds (Darmstadtium)

[111] Rg (Roentgenium)

[112] Cn (Copernicium )

[113] Nh (Nichonium)

[114] Fl (Flerovium)

[115] Mc (Muscovy)

[116] Lv (Livermore)

[117] Ts (Tennessee)

[118] Og (Oganesson)

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