Mixed fraction calculator

Using the online calculator you can solve complex problems with mixed fractions, including multi-story ones. If the problem has a multi-story fraction, then it can be (using brackets) converted to this type:
Многоэтажная дробь
You can solve problems that contain from 2 to 20 fractions.
Using the calculator is very simple:
  1. Indicate the number of fractions in your problem
  2. If the problems contains brackets that combine fractions, place these brackets
  3. If you put extra brackets, you can always remove them
  4. Put numbers and signs (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
  5. When the arrangement of numbers and brackets is completed, click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will give you a step-by-step solution to the problem and the answer

Online fraction calculator

The number of fractions in the problem
Combine fractions with brackets
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